The Nonnie Series
The power of the Nonnie Series is the message
“It’s OK to talk about this together” – for adults and children!
Nonnie Talks about Relationships
The Nonnie SeriesTM seeks to open the door to parent or adult/child communication by addressing complex issues with grace, humor, sensitivity and warmth. In the 11th book in the series, Nonnie Talks about Relationships, Dr. Podgurski explores the wide variety of relationships encountered by children and young people every day. Each person is involved in many types of relationships, starting with family, teachers, and friends, and growing into romantic and sexual partnerships. Nonnie Talks about Relationships looks at numerous types of relationships to guide children and adults to a vibrant discussion of healthy and unhealthy connections. Consultant author Al Vernacchio, a nationally known sexuality educator, provides perspective on body-body, mind-mind, and love-love aspects of relationships. Dr. Mary Jo takes care to describe crushes and explore how a young person defines love, friendships (fake and real), and the need for socialization. Characteristics of unhealthy and healthy relationships are explored. Nonnie helps her main characters, Tamika and Alex, sort through their questions about love, attraction, jealousy and obsession. The children begin to understand that they waiting for a relationship is okay; they are given time to consider how they feel and are validated for their feelings.Adults must respond to children’s needs with honesty, openness, and a true listening ear. Like all the books in The Nonnie SeriesTM, Nonnie Talks about Relationships is meant to be read by a parent/trusted adult and a young person. It is interactive and encourages connection. Proceeds from The Nonnie SeriesTM help Dr. Mary Jo continue the Common Ground Teen Center she began in 2008. Thank you.
Nonnies Talks about Consent
The Nonnie Series addresses challenging topics for children and adults with kindness and respect. The idea of consent is too often relegated to adult conversations; children hear and listen to adult words and are often confused. Consent is more than sex or adult relationships; teaching people the concept of consent as children and young people can lay a foundation for communication and healthy relationships. The two main characters in The Nonnie Series, Tamika and Alex, learn about setting boundaries, respecting little people during tickling or play, sharing feelings and vulnerability, ways to talk about older relatives who kiss and pinch cheeks, and dealing with crushes. Along the way, the children’s friend Hailey discloses unwanted touch and Nonnie guides the children to an awareness of their own self-worth. They discover the power of “owning their no” and the reality that yes means yes. Created for adults and children in grades 3 – 8, Nonnie Talks about Consent seeks to inspire dialogue between child and adult while modeling respect and kindness.
Nonnie Talks about Death
How do caring, empathic adults discuss the topic of death with children? The Nonnie Series seeks to open the door to parent or adult/child communication by addressing complex issues with sensitivity and warmth. In Nonnie Talks about Death, Dr. Podgurski looks at the vital, life-affirming, universal topic of death with openness, care and grace. As a former pediatric oncology nurse and a hospice nurse, Dr. Podgurski connects experience with her developmentally appropriate, wise approach to reaching children.
Her inclusive language validates all people and responds to the questions children often cannot articulate and adults may not know how to answer. Nonnie Talks about Deathapproaches death from a unique perspective. First, the sudden, unexpected death of a beloved pet is addressed.The children in the series, Tamika and Alex, discuss grief with Nonnie and explore their feelings. Then, Tamika’s grandpa, her Abuelito, becomes ill. His illness is serious. Nonnie connects the children with Alex’s Aunt Lisa. She is a palliative care physician. They learn about one of the ways a life can end; slowly, and with caring people surrounding the sick person. In time, Tamika’s grandfather dies. The children learn about funerals and traditions. Tamika experiences loss and sorrow. Nonnie Talks about Death tackles Tamika’s big question about what happens after death by interviewing Nonnie’s friends and asking each friend about their belief system and death. Based on Dr. Mary Jo Podgurski’s friends in real life, and beautifully captured by her talented Illustrator, Alice M. Burroughs, this technique allows the children a unique opportunity – to go on a “quest” for knowledge. They grow as people as they respectfully seek answers to one of life’s biggest question. The Nonnie Series believes Each Person is a Person of WorthTM! Nonnie Talk about Death continues the tradition of seeking wisdom with respect. All children will benefit from the kindness in this book. Trusted adults, parents, and the children they love will find a safe place for learning here.
Nonnie Talks about Pregnancy and Birth
Pregnancy and birth are important parts of life; the fourth book in Dr. Mary Jo Podgurski’s Nonnie Series looks at these vital topics with honesty and care. As a birth advocate and certified childbirth educator since the 70s, Dr. Podgurski brings a lifetime of experience in pregnancy and birth; she combines knowledge with an open, honest, interactive, joyful, respectful approach to education for young people.
Although the Nonnie Talks about Pregnancy and Birth is suggested for children in grades 3 – 8, parents and trusted adults should consider their young person’s curiosity, maturity, and developmental readiness for the information. Each young person is unique. The chapters can be read sequentially or as needed. Topics including anatomy and what happens during pregnancy end in two different types of births in Tamika and Alex’s families. Diverse topics like experiencing a miscarriage and fertility challenges are briefly explored. Dr. Podgurski knows children are curious, yet may not know how to start a conversation with adults. Conversely, parents and educators may not know how to begin. The power of the Nonnie Series is the message “It’s OK to talk about this together” – for adults and children!
Nonnie Talks about Trauma
The Nonnie Series seeks to open the door to parent or adult/child communication by addressing complex issues with sensitivity and warmth. In Nonnie Talks about Trauma, Dr. Podgurski looks at the real world young people inhabit, full of confusing messages and potentially frightening events. Trauma comes in many forms and is caused by school shootings, natural disasters, terrorist attacks, and abuse. Children are inundated with negative messages about trauma from their peers, on their phones or tablets, and in the news. This book will help adults start conversations about trauma and help children heal. All children will benefit from the kindness in this book. Trusted adults, parents, and the children they love will find a safe place for learning here. The Nonnie Series believes Each Person is a Person of WorthTM!
Nonnie Talks about Disability
The 9th Volume in The Nonnie SeriesTM looks at the world of disability. Some children and young people live in a complicated world, where they may or may not encounter disabled individuals. Other children live with disabilities. This book seeks to create a learning tool for adults and young people where open conversation about disabilities and disabled young people can freely occur. In selecting 17-year-old Kendle Haught as my consulting author, I partnered with someone who lives an authentic life as a disabled teen. Kendle’s insight was key to this book’s birth. As always in my Nonnie Series, I wrote the dialogue and then gave it to Kendle for feedback. She was exceptional. She’d say things like “This is great! I would say that,” and then gently add, “How about saying this?”Kendle was a peer educator with my program before I asked her to work on Nonnie Talks about Disability. Not only did she want to be a character in the book, she wanted the character to be as real as possible. This is a unique book because of her involvement. The new characters in the book – LaShauna, David, Dylan and Malik – are also real young people, although David, Dylan and Malik’s names are changed. LaShauna is a dynamite peer educator, which is only right. Both Tamika and Alex are named for peer educators I worked with over 20 years ago.Explore human difference with young people in this book and learn about the lives and accessibility needs of young people with physical disabilities, autistic teens, teens living with Down syndrome and Deaf young people. Then, model respect for all people. Each Person is A Person of Worth.
Other Books by Dr. Mary Jo
Inside Out: Your Body is Amazing Inside and Out and Belongs Only to You
Inside Out: Your Body is Amazing Inside and Out and Belongs Only to You is an innovative approach to child abuse prevention that is body-positive, affirming, and empowering. Replacing programs that place the burden on prevention on the child, the diverse children in this interactive coloring book teach seven “big” lessons to their peers.
With a focus of targeting third and fourth graders, Dr. Podgurski conducted four focus groups to ascertain content: 1. Third graders; 2. Parents of third graders; 3. Adolescent survivors of sexual and physical abuse; and 4. Adult survivors of sexual and physical abuse. Inside Out is meant to be a communication aid for trusted adults and children. Parents of little ones as young as 6 have used the book with their children; opening the door to a conversation about bodies, privacy and personhood is vital in today’s culture. Ideally each child will have a trusted adult or parent to guide them through this material. Two school districts are currently piloting the program in fourth grades. Dr. Podgurski has been honored to work with young people and families since the seventies; Inside Out is a gift to them. The resiliency of the children she’s been privileged to serve motivates her to seek educational tools that respect diversity, honor difference, and empower youth.
Inside Out Training Manual for Parents and Educators: Your Body is Amazing Inside and Out and Belongs Only to You
Inside Out: Your Body is Amazing Inside and Out and Belongs Only to You is an innovative, body-positive, proactive approach to child abuse prevention education. This training manual provides page by page instruction on the art of teaching this sensitive subject to children. The manual includes not only tips on presenting the material but also reproducible cards and games to make learning interactive and fun.
Intensa-Mente: Tu Cuerpo es Maravilloso Tanto por Dentro Como por Fuera Y te Per (Spanish Edition of Inside Out)
La doctora Mary Jo considera que todos los niños merecen recibir protección y apoyo. Su método para trabajar la prevención del abuso infantil es empoderador, proactivo, interactivo, y con una visión positiva del cuerpo. Los niños aprenderán 7 Lecciones Importantes que pueden compartir con adultos en quienes confían para crear espacios seguros que fomenten el aprendizaje y el desarrollo.
La película Intensa-Mente fue creada en el 2010 y es utilizada en clases de 3er y 4to año en la comunidad de la Dra. Podgurski. La edición en español de este libro fue creada en respuesta a las peticiones de diversos educadores, y fue traducida por Simona Miguelina Carollo. Tal como en la versión en inglés, este libro es fácil de leer y entretiene a los niños. La Dra. Podgurski ofrece un taller online (webinar) con seis sesiones para adultos quienes quieren ser parte de la solución y proteger a los niños como facilitadores autorizados de Intensa-Mente. Contacta a la Dra. Podgurski a través de su correo electrónico podmj@healthyteens para más información.
Real Talk for Real Teens #Communicate
Real Talk for Real Teens #Communicate is an innovative resource for adults seeking to connect with young people. The 60 illustrations (created by Alice Burroughs) and scenarios in this book are meant to inspire conversation, encourage connection, and empower adults with the skills they need to really reach young people.
The original scenarios range from situations faced by elementary school aged children (suggested ages 7—13), through areas affecting middle school aged young people (suggested ages 12—15), ending with issues of note to high school young people and college young adults (suggested ages 14—18+). Each illustration is accompanied by a Reflection Page containing researched background on the topic, suggested Take Home Messages, possible Discussion Questions, and a role play. Adults are instructed to begin by asking the young person to “Tell a Story about the Picture.” Guidelines for respectful, open-ended communication are easily established. Resource Pages, including the research behind each topic, are included, and a Glossary helps with unfamiliar terms. Dr. Mary Jo Podgurski has used these scenarios in education and counseling for more than 30 years (many of the original illustrations are updated). The scenarios are cutting edge and contemporary. They range from basic topics (for example, selecting healthy food choices and bullying) to complex/potentially controversial topics (like sexuality education, racism, and cultural appropriation). Each illustration is accompanied by a QR Code for duplication. Those who purchase the book will be able to duplicate the images for educational purposes; using the copies for profit is not permitted. Adults using this book can open doors to communication and develop the skills needed to truly reach young people.
Real Talk for Real Teen Parents
Real Talk for Real Teen Parents provides exactly what teens need during pregnancy–a balance between top-notch education and emotional understanding. Dr. Podgurski has a unique and effective way of helping young parents find peace in their new role, while realistically teaching and building confidence. Her work is sensitive, relevant and meaningful to teenagers.
Dr. Podgurski’s warm delivery of information personally helped me to have a healthier pregnancy and to prepare well for my childbirth experience. I am a more confident and nurturing mother today because of her guidance. The self-paced exercises in this workbook will allow teens to gain invaluable insight. It provides the opportunity to identify and express personal feelings, and set realistic expectations for the future. Investing in this workbook will provide guaranteed long-term benefit to new families. It will help influence and encourage the participants to become the best parents and young adults that they can be! – Katherine Stains.