Inside Out Training Course
Virtual Training Available

Uploaded by Mary Jo Podgurski on 2017-05-18.


I counseled an eight year old sexual abuse survivor in the nineties. This child’s tale was horrendous; his first words to me, at our first session, were “Please don’t make me say what my Daddy did to me.” His wisdom led me to avoid aspects of assessment when I serve young survivors; in other words, I don’t ask children what happened. In all the years since then, every child volunteers their story within the first four weeks of our sessions. I’ve learned from the children I’ve served.

As a Darkness to Light (D2L) Stewards of Children authorized facilitator and a professional who has supported young child abuse survivors (CSA) since the early eighties, I am deeply aware of the need for child abuse prevention. D2L states one in ten of America’s children will be abused before their 18th birthday.

I wrote Inside Out: Your Body is Amazing Inside and Out and Belongs Only to You, after due diligence revealed a paucity of body-positive child abuse prevention education. Red Flag, Green Flag promoted Stranger Danger, even though about 93% of abused children know their abusers. Good Touch, Bad Touch avoids the reality that a perpetrator may groom a child and instill feelings of pleasure; as a sexologist, I know the body responds to touch.

Since 2010, Inside Out has been taught in schools to nearly 5,000 children; it is also taught by counselors and I am pleased to announce a new live course to train professionals in the art of teaching Inside Out.  The first virtual training was conducted in June, 2020, with very positive results.

The course consists of:

  • Four virtual classes facilitated by me.

  • A downloadable copy of Inside Out (a $9.99 value)

  • The Inside Out Training Manual for Parents and Educators (a $39.99 value), paperwork and guidance for starting an Inside Out in-school program, all handouts and interactive games used in the four week program, and individual connection with me.

Attendees who complete the course will be authorized facilitators for the program and will be able to purchase the Inside Out workbook at cost $5.00.

This virtual training dates will vary, and is offered for $119.00.

An early bird price of $99 is available until a month before the training date.

Be part of the solution.
Be an adult who protects children. 

Inside Out Online Training Program
Sale Price: $99.00 Original Price: $119.00